
Naturopathic Iridology

We use an 'Eye (iris) Examination Machine' (see Homepage) to accurately, safely and pain-free find the root cause of a specific health problem. Iridology is the science based analysis of the iris of the eye that would reveal precise information on the current strength and weakness of all organs and tissues of the body, their genetic dispositions and the cause of the health problem, even before symptoms and pain occur. An iris diagnosis provides an accurate amount of information that is impossible to obtain by other methods. Iridology is considered a primary diagnostic tool and as such, it is now implemented by the best private clinics in the world (asking for thousands of pounds) to provide complete answers to their patients.

We iridologists see signs of existing and even potentially future health problems in the iris. Many sick people were sent for tests by their doctor, and then other tests, only to find out, several years later and a ton of pills, that they and their doctor still had no idea what was causing that health problem. How wise it would have been first to seek help from a qualified iridologist.

A careful investigation of the iris is essential because only with a clear understanding of the problem can effective therapy be combined with the person's condition and help recovery. The investigation is followed by appropriate therapy tailored to specific needs. The diagnosis is painless, non-invasive and can be made to people of any age. In addition to the analysis of the iris, we offer a range of natural therapies, including intestinal detoxification combined with potent herbal remedies for the main organs, for the immune system, and a personalized nutritional protocol based on the analysis conducted. For their part, our patients must take responsibility for their own health and follow the instructions that have been given, a small task that is truly worth doing.

If you are really determined to free yourself from relentless chemical drugs that keep you trapped in a painful and hopeless vicious circle, then you should really consider what you have just read very, very carefully!
Treat yourself by looking after yourself properly!

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