Moreno Micheloni (and Associates) is the main founder of this website dedicated to help people to regain their health with natural medicinal remedies. He is a qualified, certified and registered Naturopath, Iridologist, Master Herbalist, Naturopathic Nutritionist, Healthcare Pain Therapist, Coach and Researcher. Being qualified in these different key multi-disciplines gives him plenty of scope when treating his clients.

In addition to the above, Moreno's background in biology physiology, anatomy and immunology, enable him to really dig deep to find out the root cause/s of ill health and be able to help to resolve them through the application of appropriate natural Naturopathic treatments with the aim of enabling for the restoration of the body and mind’s true key health healing factors.

Accreditations and Endorsements
Moreno's certifications are accredited and endorsed by the following leading UK's Healthcare Authorities:
The 'Guild of Naturopathic Iridologist International (GNII), the 'General Naturopathic Council' (GNC), the 'Naturopathic Nutrition Association' (NNA), the 'Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council' (CNHC), the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH)
and is a member of the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute (USA)

Moreno Micheloni is particularly focused on the issues related to the Gastro-Intestinal-Tract (G.I.Tract), on Digestion, Gut Detoxification and the Immune System, having a special interest on the Human Genome and Microbiome, Molecular Biology, Epigenetics and Functional Immunology.  Moreno works alongside conventional doctors, offering a natural alternative integrative primary healthcare path for a greater probability of success in tackling disease.  It is to this aim that he practices functional integrative complementary medicine applied to nutrition as it relates to biochemical nuances within the genome and microbiome, with implication for the Central Nervous System, disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), autoimmune and mast cell activation disorders, metabolic, cardiometabolic and vascular issues, progressive brain disorders , hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, skin issues, stress disorders, weight management, food intolerance and allergies, inflammatory bowel issues, digestive issues, bloating, constipation, painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints, hypertension, hormonal imbalances, chemical sensitivities and biochemical imbalances associated with disease.

"Since he was a young university student Moreno has been studying and applying many of the trends and treatments in vogue throughout all those years, learning what works and what does not. In the past two decades in particular, it has been his personal mission, as a practitioner of complementary and integrative natural medicine, to keep up to date with the latest research, certifications and clinical practices to advance practical applications that address and enable the healing of the body and mind.”

Moreno Micheloni is also a Bioinformatics researcher, having studied in the faculties of Information Systems, Mathematics and Science. He holds a BSc Bachelor of Science (Hons) Degree and a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from the prestigious UK’s 'University College London (UCL) "Institute of Education". Moreno has taught Artificial Intelligence (AI) at several London's Sixth Form Colleges (UK) and is currently researching in the field of Genotyping and BioMedicine in relation to Epigenetics and Immunology. Moreno has also updated his knowledge and understanding of the Immune System apparatus mechanism and latest scientific therapeutic applications with a 'Master Immunology' course taught as part of the Program on Integrative Medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine (USA).

Moreno Micheloni is a real advocate for scientific research and development in bridging the gap between alternative, conventional medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Artificial Intelligence for a truly holistic resolve in improving human misery caused by modern diseases that plague society.
He is also available for consultations via Zoom or WhatsApp in relation to our 'Acute Care' and 'Chronic Care' Programmes.

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